Go beyond ELISA with

QDTI Clarity

Quantum-POWERED biomarker detection

Ultrasensitive. Simple. Fast.

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QDTI’s ultrasensitive, specifically-targeted biomolecule detection platform is powered by quantum technology. It provides researchers with a simple, fast, and versatile workflow via a reliable, compact, and affordable instrument.


This instrument exploits
the selectivity and sensitivity of advanced quantum diamond sensing to allow detection of less than 1 pg/mL of target molecules, needing only 5µL of sample to run the test.

Simple and Fast

Sample preparation is straightforward, requiring only 5 easy steps and less than 1 hour of hands-on time, significantly expediting assay setup compared to ELISA and ELISA-based systems.


The instrument can detect proteins, nucleic acids, and rare cells in most biological samples, including whole blood, plasma, serum, and CSF.

This instrument exploits
the selectivity and sensitivity
of advanced quantum diamond sensing to allow detection of less than 1 pg/mL of target molecules in sample volumes below 5 μL.

Sample preparation is straightforward, requiring only
5 easy steps and less than 1 hour of hands-on time, significantly expediting assay setup compared to ELISA.

The instrument can detect proteins, nucleic acids, and rare cells in most biological samples including whole blood, plasma, serum, and CSF.

Key Advantages

≤5 µL

OF sample NEEDED

Compared to needing 50 μL or more for other ultrasensitive solutions and standard ELISA.

Because of the simple sample process, the QDTI instrument only needs 5 μL to perform the assay. It is at least 10 times less than required for other ultrasensitive solutions, and standard ELISA. Conserve precious sample material instead of losing it in dead volume!

<1 pg/mL

ANALYTICAL sensitivity

The QDTI platform delivers an ultrasensitive analytical capability. The QDTI system is several logs more sensitive than standard ELISA; it also delivers a reliable instrumentation solution with elegant simplicity.


hands-on time and fast turnaround

Compared to at least 3 hours needed for other ultrasensitive or standard technologies.

QDTI simple assay process requires less than 1 hour of researcher time to complete.


sample preparation

Compared to the more than 9 steps for other ultrasensitive solutions and standard ELISA.

The QDTI protocol eliminates almost all washing steps. Only one wash step is needed as the unbound beads can be quickly identified and excluded by the quantum sensor.

Additional Features

All-in-one multimodal detection

Detect proteins, nucleic acids, and rare cells with a single instrument.

Please stay tuned for updates on nucleic acid detection. You can read more about cell-based detection in this Nature Methods article.

Broad sample compatibility

The QDTI system has been shown to detect biomarkers in plasma (e.g., EDTA, Citrus), serum, cerebral spinal fluid, cell lysates, and even whole blood.

QDTI continues to expand the evaluation of additional biomatrices – so please contact us with your suggestions!


The reliability of the QDTI approach gives you peace of mind against sample loss due to human or instrument error.

Samples treated with magnetic tags can be dried on a proprietary consumable – permitting sample measurement at the researcher’s discretion. This cartridge storage is not possible with fluorescent or colorimetric-based assay approaches.

Moreover, the simple process leads to a straightforward instrument, which contains no fragile components, leading to continuous uptime.

90% more eco-friendly

Make your biomarker detection efforts more eco-friendly while saving on consumables and waste disposal costs.

The simple QDTI assay process also leads to a greater than 90% reduction in biohazard waste generation – waste reduction savings includes both liquid and plastic waste. At a time when it is critical for all industries to contribute – QDTI is proud to lead efforts to reduce the waste generation in the biomolecule and diagnostics field.






Want to make
a quantum leap in your biomarker research?

Contact us

Technology summary

Quantum sensing is empowering your research. Ultrasensitivity on your desktop.

The QDTI approach uses two types of magnetic beads, each labeled with a different antibody against the target. In the sample, immunocomplexes will form with both beads bound to the target analyte, reminiscent of a sandwich immunoassay.

The sample is placed on top of a diamond crystal with quantum defects that change properties in response to magnetic fields. This enables separate high-resolution imaging of the two bead types, based on their different magnetic properties, which in turn allows individual immunocomplexes to be identified and counted to quantify the target analyte.


Rapid Quantum Magnetic IL-6 Point-of-Care Assay in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19

Johnny Atallah, Dakota Archambault, Jeffrey D. Randall, Adam Shepro, Lauren E. Styskal, David R. Glenn, Colin B. Connolly, Katelin Katsis, Kathleen Gallagher, Musie Ghebremichael, and Michael K. Mansour. Diagnostics 2022, 12(5), 1164.

See Also

Testing On-demand

Assay Kits and Consumables

Assay Development

Inquire about the platform

Interested in ‘test-driving’ our quantum-powered detection instrument? Please let us know your simple testing needs and we will be excited to discuss potential collaboration!

We are also always on the lookout for bright, resourceful, energetic team members as our company is growing. Please reach out to us if you would like to join a dynamic, engaging team looking to change the diagnostics landscape by combining quantum physics + biological technologies!


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